Cross Trainer Workout

Improve your Strength and Fitness with this cross trainer workout for beginners

Getting up to speed on the cross trainer helps to work your body in many ways. Mixed in with other types of cardio such as jogging, cycling or walking, a cross trainer workout is perfect for beginners looking to get fit. Our aim here is to give you a sample workout plan to get you started on your cross trainer.

Before we get started there are some things to bear in mind, like with any type of fitness or workout program.

The most important thing is that you should go at your own pace. Don’t go overboard, there will be time for you to pick up the pace later on when you are further along in the program. Overexerting yourself can increase the risk of injury. We want your workouts to be safe! This leads on to our next point. You should listen to the feedback your body is giving you. If you need to rest, rest!

Choose appropriate times for doing your workouts. Ideally, you should have some fuel on board having eaten around 30 mins before exercising. Make sure you stay hydrated, and eat again following the workout to help your muscles recover.

After getting used to the workout plan, mix it up a bit to keep it interesting. Try changing the resistance of the cross trainer or increasing the intensity of your workout.

The cross trainer workout

Week 1
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Cross train/walk 2 miles
Wednesday: Cross train/walk 3 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Cross train/walk 2 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Cross train/ walk 3 miles

Week 2
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Cross train/walk 3 miles
Wednesday: Cross train/walk 3 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Cross train/walk 4 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Cross train/walk 4 miles

Week 3
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Cross train/walk 3 miles
Wednesday: Cross train/walk 4 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Cross train/walk 5 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Cross train/walk 5 miles

Week 4
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Cross train/walk 3 miles
Wednesday: Cross train/walk 4 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Cross train/walk 5 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Cross train/walk 5 miles

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