All About Cross Trainer Benefits

There are a great many cross trainer benefits. Our aim with this site is to make you aware of all the benefits of using a cross trainer, or elliptical machine. We’ll do this by bringing you articles and reviews, along with training tips and advice. We hope you’ll enjoy using your cross trainer as much as we do.

Our Look at Cross Trainer Benefits

Top of the list, when it comes to cross trainer benefits, is the general fitness boost that it gives you. By giving you a full body workout, a cross trainer can help you boost your performance in all the other activities that you do. If you are a runner, for example, then a cross trainer can help you run faster, for longer. If you are a swimmer, a cross trainer can help you swim faster. In fact, a cross trainer benefits you in just about any sport or physical activity that you can think of. A cross trainer does this by helping you to improve muscle efficiency, strength and stamina or endurance.

The way a cross trainer benefits your endurance shouldn’t be understated. A high level of endurance is a highly prized attribute in any form of physical activity. The improved endurance you can get from working out regularly on a cross trainer will serve you well in other activities such as swimming and cycling.
Just how many calories can you burn from these activities? Check out our calorie counter below:

Our Top 5 Cross Trainer Benefits

  1. Full body workout – A cross trainer helps you work out all your major muscle groups, both lower and upper body. Which in turn, makes it great for…
  2. Weight loss. A cross trainer is a fantastic tool for helping you meet you weight loss targets.
  3. Motivation – A cross trainer is something that is accessible out side of your local gym. You can buy a modern cross trainer for the home, and get all the benefits it has to offer without stepping outside. Being able to jump onto the cross trainer whenever you want helps to keep you motivated.
  4. Safety. Movements on a cross trainer are generally controlled, as the machine guides you. This helps reduce the chance of injury.
  5. Fun! We know a lot of exercise machines can be boring, but because a cross trainer benefits all your major muscle groups, you will really start to feel the difference. What could be more fun that seeing yourself and your fitness develop?!

How a Cross Trainer Benefits Recovery

cross trainer benefitsFurthermore, a cross trainer benefits your recovery. If you play a lot of sport, by using a cross trainer in between sessions you will help your muscles recover quicker and stronger. Any athlete will tell you that it is a fact that recovery plays a crucial part in any exercise regime and that the right workout can play a huge part in that recovery. This doesn’t just hold true for professional athletes, recovery is an important consideration for people of any fitness level. How often do you hear of people giving up on their exercise program due to tiredness or soreness? It might seem counter intuitive, but in between periods of intense exercise, such as running, football or weight training, working out on a cross trainer can help aid your recovery and help prevent your muscles from stiffening up. A cross trainer is ideally suited to this task as it is load bearing, which minimises risk or chance or injury, and helps your work out multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

The benefits gained to recovery and endurance will also go a long way to help with your motivation. Everyone goes through periods of not wanting to work out, especially if their muscles are tired or sore from recent exertion. This is particularly noticeable in people who use the same workout for each training session. By working out in the same way every time exercise can become tedious, and the muscles you are working out will adapt so that the gains are not as great. A way to combat both tedium and your body getting too used to the same exercises is to vary the workout, or introduce a new workout. Which happily brings us back to discussing cross trainer benefits. A cross trainer is a great piece of equipment to help vary your workout, or as an alternative to your normal workout to help keep things fresh.

We touched on this earlier, but we would like to highlight the fact that the cross trainer is a load bearing type of exercise equipment. As far as benefits go this is quite a significant point as it can go a long way towards injury prevention. A good example where you may be at risk of injury is with jogging, or any sports that require you to run. If you are new to a sport or have just started jogging then there will be stresses on your body that you are not normally used to. In the case of jogging, the impact the exercise has on joints such as the ankles, knees and hips can cause problems. A cross trainer benefits you here by helping you strengthen those muscles and joints in a safe manner meaning that when you do take part in your chosen activity you will be less likely to incur injury.

Likewise, if you were to develop an injury it’s fair to say that use of a cross trainer benefits the recovery and rehabilitation process. Often people suffer setbacks when recovering from injury due to them rushing things a little too much and going back to the activity that caused the problem too soon. A cross trainer is perfect in this situation as it allows you to exercise without putting too much stress on those joints. If you’ve been unable to exercise for a while, using a cross trainer is a great way to get back into it in the comfort of your home. We’re sure you’ll soon appreciate how a cross trainer benefits your fitness!