There are a great many cross trainer benefits. Our aim with this site is to make you aware of all the benefits of using a cross trainer, or elliptical machine. We’ll do this by bringing you articles and reviews, along with training tips and advice. We hope you’ll enjoy using your cross trainer as much as we do.

Our Look at Cross Trainer Benefits

Top of the list, when it comes to cross trainer benefits, is the general fitness boost that it gives you. By giving you a full body workout, a cross trainer can help you boost your performance in all the other activities that you do. If you are a runner, for example, then a cross trainer can help you run faster, for longer. If you are a swimmer, a cross trainer can help you swim faster. In fact, a cross trainer benefits you in just about any sport or physical activity that you can think of. A cross trainer does this by helping you to improve muscle efficiency, strength and stamina or endurance.

The way a cross trainer benefits your endurance shouldn’t be understated. A high level of endurance is a highly prized attribute in any form of physical activity. The improved endurance you can get from working out regularly on a cross trainer will serve you well in other activities such as swimming and cycling.
Just how many calories can you burn from these activities? Check out our calorie counter below:

Our Top 5 Cross Trainer Benefits

  1. Full body workout – A cross trainer helps you work out all your major muscle groups, both lower and upper body. Which in turn, makes it great for…
  2. Weight loss. A cross trainer is a fantastic tool for helping you meet you weight loss targets.
  3. Motivation – A cross trainer is something that is accessible out side of your local gym. You can buy a modern cross trainer for the home, and get all the benefits it has to offer without stepping outside. Being able to jump onto the cross trainer whenever you want helps to keep you motivated.
  4. Safety. Movements on a cross trainer are generally controlled, as the machine guides you. This helps reduce the chance of injury.
  5. Fun! We know a lot of exercise machines can be boring, but because a cross trainer benefits all your major muscle groups, you will really start to feel the difference. What could be more fun that seeing yourself and your fitness develop?!

How a Cross Trainer Benefits Recovery

cross trainer benefitsFurthermore, a cross trainer benefits your recovery. If you play a lot of sport, by using a cross trainer in between sessions you will help your muscles recover quicker and stronger. Any athlete will tell you that it is a fact that recovery plays a crucial part in any exercise regime and that the right workout can play a huge part in that recovery. This doesn’t just hold true for professional athletes, recovery is an important consideration for people of any fitness level. How often do you hear of people giving up on their exercise program due to tiredness or soreness? It might seem counter intuitive, but in between periods of intense exercise, such as running, football or weight training, working out on a cross trainer can help aid your recovery and help prevent your muscles from stiffening up. A cross trainer is ideally suited to this task as it is load bearing, which minimises risk or chance or injury, and helps your work out multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

The benefits gained to recovery and endurance will also go a long way to help with your motivation. Everyone goes through periods of not wanting to work out, especially if their muscles are tired or sore from recent exertion. This is particularly noticeable in people who use the same workout for each training session. By working out in the same way every time exercise can become tedious, and the muscles you are working out will adapt so that the gains are not as great. A way to combat both tedium and your body getting too used to the same exercises is to vary the workout, or introduce a new workout. Which happily brings us back to discussing cross trainer benefits. A cross trainer is a great piece of equipment to help vary your workout, or as an alternative to your normal workout to help keep things fresh.

We touched on this earlier, but we would like to highlight the fact that the cross trainer is a load bearing type of exercise equipment. As far as benefits go this is quite a significant point as it can go a long way towards injury prevention. A good example where you may be at risk of injury is with jogging, or any sports that require you to run. If you are new to a sport or have just started jogging then there will be stresses on your body that you are not normally used to. In the case of jogging, the impact the exercise has on joints such as the ankles, knees and hips can cause problems. A cross trainer benefits you here by helping you strengthen those muscles and joints in a safe manner meaning that when you do take part in your chosen activity you will be less likely to incur injury.

Likewise, if you were to develop an injury it’s fair to say that use of a cross trainer benefits the recovery and rehabilitation process. Often people suffer setbacks when recovering from injury due to them rushing things a little too much and going back to the activity that caused the problem too soon. A cross trainer is perfect in this situation as it allows you to exercise without putting too much stress on those joints. If you’ve been unable to exercise for a while, using a cross trainer is a great way to get back into it in the comfort of your home. We’re sure you’ll soon appreciate how a cross trainer benefits your fitness!


Many people who need to lose excess weight are looking for exercise equipment that can help them burn the most calories. Of course, there are many different machines out there from simple resistance-oriented fare to highly sophisticated workout devices with computer settings.

There has been a long search to find the “perfect” exercise machine and while none have been constructed as of yet, the cross trainer has certainly earned a big reputation as one that can really burn the calories.

What is a Cross Trainer?

Also known as an elliptical trainer, the cross trainer is a stationary machine that helps a person to simulate walking, climbing or running without causing the intense stress on the joints themselves. This makes it a wonderful device for people of all ages, including those who have suffered injuries before since the low impact of the cross trainer means that vulnerable joints are protected.

The hands grip the walking bars which go back and forth to simulate the swinging of the arms, providing a workout for the muscles in the hands, forearms, biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles. Plus, the hands have something to grip which makes balancing a lot easier for most people.

The large pedals for the feet hold them in place as they move again in a walking-like motion. Because there is little in the way of impact, the vulnerable joints of the ankles, knees and hips are under very little stress. Because of the low impact, people can actually keep moving for longer simulated distances and get the workout they need to help burn away the fat.

Elliptical trainers were first introduced in the 1990s and were nearly an instant hit. Today, you can find them in gyms and fitness centers around the country as well as in many homes as well. It is a very low impact cardiovascular workout of which the intensity can be changed based on the speed and resistance of the machine itself.

In terms of burning calories, the cross trainer does work most of the major muscle groups and on a 155 pound person who uses the cross trainer at moderate intensity for an hour can burn 570 calories which is quite impressive. Of course, there are other fitness systems that can burn the calories as well.

How does a Cross Trainer Compare to Other Workout Machines?

There is little doubt that cross training machines is quite effective at burning calories while subsequently having a low impact on your joints. This is important because low impact means less of a chance of injury which helps you exercise for longer periods of time.

As good as the cross trainer is in terms of burning away calories, there are other machines out there as well that also will lose help people lose excess weight. It can be said that there are many different machines that help people lose the weight.

However, it must be noted that the rate your body burns away the calories is dictated by your heart rate. If your heart rate is the same no matter what machine you use, then you will burn the same amount of calories. Having said that, there are perceived differences in intensity between different machines which mean that your heart rate will be different.

Treadmill: The basic treadmill has been around for a long time and offers a simple, direct way to work the major muscle groups in the legs. However, the treadmill does not work out the arms and there is some impact on the feet, ankles, knees and hips. Generally speaking, the treadmill is less intense that walking or jogging on sidewalks because the large belt does move which takes away some of the impact. A 155 pound person on a treadmill at moderate intensity for an hour or walking 4.5 miles would burn around 444 calories. Again, the it would depend on the length and intensity of the workout that was chosen on the treadmill.

Stationary Bike: This is essentially a normal bicycle in every respect except that you pedal in one place. Because the bike is stationary, you do not get the full workout that riding a normal bike would provide. However, there is far less danger of traffic or unexpected obstacles in your home or at the gym to contend. A 155 pound person using a moderate amount of energy will burn about 420 calories per hour while riding a stationary bike. That same person riding an ordinary bike outdoors will burn about 480 calories.

Which Machine is Better for You?

This question will depend in large part on your personal taste in the type of exercise that you enjoy. However, it can be stated that the cross trainer is the least impactful of the three and unlike the treadmill does not need to be plugged in so that it can be used. Also, it is a far better overall workout than what a stationary bike can deliver as well. In addition, the cross trainer is also more user-friendly and tends to breakdown less often than a treadmill. However, cross trainers also tend to be more expensive than stationary bikes.

Of course, the best type of workout mixes up aerobics and anaerobic exercises that include more resistance. The most successful will also use resistance or weight lifting to increase overall muscle size which in turn helps to burn more calories. It also goes without saying that eating a healthy diet is paramount to keeping off the excess pounds.

The advantages of a cross trainer are considerable, especially when it comes to the low impact on the joints as well as the total body workout it provides. Because of that it will tend to burn more calories than its two major competitors. For those who do not mind paying a little extra and prefer to workout indoors, a cross trainer is a good investment that will last for many years under normal use and with good maintenance. This is just another reason why they are so popular.


The Smith Machine – Advantages and Disadvantages

September 18, 2014

There is little doubt that the use of free weights offers tremendous advantages for people who are trying to build muscles, create better muscle tone and burn the excess fat from the body. In addition to using traditional free weights, there are some which are combined with machines or structures that allows for specific exercises […]

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Cheap Cross Trainers

July 9, 2013

If you are looking for discount or cheap cross trainers then you have found the right page! The sheer number of options available to you when looking to buy a cross trainer can be mind boggling. What we will aim to do here is give you some pointers on what to look for when shopping […]

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Cross Trainer Workout

June 13, 2013

Improve your Strength and Fitness with this cross trainer workout for beginners Getting up to speed on the cross trainer helps to work your body in many ways. Mixed in with other types of cardio such as jogging, cycling or walking, a cross trainer workout is perfect for beginners looking to get fit. Our aim […]

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A Healthier Heart with a Cross Trainer

April 12, 2012

It’s fair to say that heart disease is now a common problem for society. The modern age of convenience and fast food makes living healthier harder than before. Actually, forget that. It’s not hard to live healthy – It’s just that is so damn easy nowadays to have an unhealthy life style. It is important […]

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Stamina InMotion E1000 Elliptical Trainer

January 17, 2012

The Stamina InMotion E1000 Elliptical Trainer is a lightweight and compact cross trainer that is perfect for use either in the home or at the office. It’s small size means that it can be stored easily, in a cupboard or closet or even under a desk. As you would expect from an elliptical trainer, it […]

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Cross Trainer Reviews

January 12, 2012

Cross trainers, or ellipticals, are a great choice if you are looking to purchase home exercise equipment. As discussed in depth on this site, there are many advantages to using a cross trainer. They are low impact, meaning that they are great on the joints which lessens the likeihood of injury compared to other fitness […]

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Schwinn 420 Elliptical

January 11, 2012

The Schwinn 420 elliptical or cross trainer is a fantastic looking machine. Everything about it shouts out excellent build quality as you would expect with Schwinn exercise equipment. It is fairly substantial in terms of size, and you get the feeling that it is built to last. Read on for our Schwinn 420 elliptical review. […]

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Buying A Cross Trainer

January 10, 2012

Due to all the great cross trainer benefits we’re always talking about on this site, you are no doubt keen to look into buying a cross trainer of your own. Ok, whilst I can’t take credit for your decision I can offer some tips if you are looking to purchase a cross trainer, especially if […]

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Folding Elliptical Trainer

January 10, 2012

Did you know that there is such a thing as a folding elliptical trainer? If there’s one thing you can say about exercise equipment it’s that it is rarely small and compact. This can be a problem for many people because most people don’t have lots of unused space in their home, so finding a […]

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