Buying A Cross Trainer

Due to all the great cross trainer benefits we’re always talking about on this site, you are no doubt keen to look into buying a cross trainer of your own. Ok, whilst I can’t take credit for your decision I can offer some tips if you are looking to purchase a cross trainer, especially if you are looking to purchase one online. So, without further ado….

Buying a Cross Trainer Online

Given the great prices that can be found, a lot of people are now doing their shopping online. This is no different when it comes to exercise equipment, and there are many excellent reasons for buying a cross trainer on the internet. The main advantage of course is the price, but there are others such as the ability to view many models in one place (far more than there would be in a store) and the ability to read real customer reviews which all adds up to making your buying decision that much easier (or at least, more informed!).

A word of warning when buying a cross trainer online however. Before you click the purchase button make sure that you have done your research to ensure that you get the perfect cross trainer for you.
Here are the main things to look for.

What to Look Out for When Buying a Cross Trainer

When spending a substantial amount of money on anything it is important to make sure it is right for you. The following represent the things we feel are most important to look out for when buying a cross trainer.

1. Practicality. Most of all you want your cross trainer to be easy to use, as if it’s not it will be unlikely that you will use if regularly, which kind of defeats the purpose! Most cross trainers will work in the same way, but there will be noticeable differences between models and manufacturers. If, for example, you purchase a folding cross trainer then you will want to make sure it folds away, and back again, easily. Another thing to look at pertaining to ease of use would be how easy it is to set up and how easy it is to change resistance levels whilst you are exercising. You want the cross trainer to be as easy to use and adjust as possible.

2. Length of Stride. This is related to the ease of use of the trainer. You will want to buy a cross trainer that fits your stride length. If the stride is too short or too long then you may not get the workout that you desire or it may even be uncomfortable to use. If possible it’s best to look into buying a cross trainer with a variable stride length, although this feature tends to be on more expensive models. What you can do as an alternative is to go and try out a cross trainer at a gym or local store in order to find out your stride length before taking advantage of the cheaper cross trainer prices online.

3. Noise. Although it’s difficult to tell in the gym, cross trainers and other types of exercise equipment can be excessively noisy. This isn’t a problem if you are working out in the gym, but if you are buying a cross trainer for home excessive noise levels will not make you popular with whoever you share your home with. Luckily, there are many cross trainers on the market that are virtually silent in operation (usually those that make use of magnetic resistance). The best thing to do is to try one out in the shop, or take notice of the customer reviews when buying online. Noise is often forgotten when comparing cross trainers, but it is one of the most important features when it comes to living with the machine on a daily basis.

4. Resistance. There are normally two types of resistance when it comes to cross trainers. We recommend the magnetic resistance types. Although they tend to be more expensive, it is often worth it due to their quiet operation and digitally controlled resistance levels.

5. On-board Console. Another feature that is often overlooked, but we recommend paying attention to, is the quality of the on-board console computer and display. When exercising, you need to be able to track your progress. A good quality display will go a long way to helping you do that. Make sure it covers the common metrics such as calories burned, distance travelled and elapsed time. Many models will also come with a heart rate monitor, though you may prefer to use a standalone one such as a Polar. On the subject of the computer console, depending on how you like to work out, you may want or need a cross trainer that has pre-set workout routines built in. This helps you get a good workout without having to think too much about manually adjusting the resistance levels. In our experience, built in programs also help to keep the exercise interesting which really helps with keeping us motivated.

So, those were the main things we think you should look for when buying a cross trainer. We can’t stress enough the importance of doing your research. Read reviews from several sources (including this very site!), check out real customer reviews and, where possible, actually try it out before buying a cross trainer.

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